Our Locations

Our I-55 shop in Jackson is a local favorite. With a large walk in humidor, lounge and a covered deck out back, you can sit with friends, relax, wathc the game or just hang out and enjoy a great cigar.

This is THE best cigar spot in Ridgeland. Wonderful selection of premium cigars to choose from, along with a great selection of domestic, imported and craft beers to choose from.

At our 1378 W. Government St. location in Brandon, come buy and check out the selection in the walk in humidor as well as the other humidors for a wide variety of premium cigars. The shop also has a large comfortable lounge to sit, enjoy your cigar and relax. You will also find a great selection of beers and cigarettes as well.

A stop at our Pearl location will give you a one stop shop for a big selection of premium cigars in the big walk in humidor. You will also find a fine selection of beers as well as tobaccos, accessories and cigarettes.

At our newest location, you have a store full of the finest hand rolled premium cigars on the market.